Importance and value.
In all areas.
To guarantee our customers a smooth and inspiring cooperation, we feel committed to respect certain basic values. These values are specifically:
- Avendor only accepts orders for which the necessary knowledge, experience, and resources are available.
- Compiled results correspond always to the current state of technology and industry. They are always centered on the customer's needs.
- Realistic, time framed goals, and cost estimates are respected.
- With objective solutions and human relations, we do our best to keep a harmonious co-operation with customers and their employees. If inconvenient situations occur, you will always find our consideration for impartial and objective advice.
Fair Association
- The intellectual copyright of proposals, concepts and other publications shall be respected. We only use such material mentioning the source.
- In case of co-operation, and as far as it remains possible to keep the balance, art and work that has been developed in coolaboration like project liability against the clients will be opened and clearly exposed.
- In case of co-operation, as far as it is about capacity balance, the kind and amount as well as the responsibilities towards the client will be stated ingenuous and clear.
Objectivity and neutrality
- We are committed to neutrality towards suppliers who are required to perform the tasks required by our customers. We do not ask for, or accept from suppliers any kind of commission or bonus under any circumstances.
- We recommend suppliers only after we have made a comparative analysis of the supply and service offered by those.
- All of the customers' information is kept strictly confidential, and is always based on a confidentiality agreement.
- Contract information that must be forwarded to be completed by a third party, will be kept as anonymous or under confidentiality agreement.
Appropriate remuneration
- Our remuneration is mainly result-oriented, with the goal of a fast ROI for the customer. Fees are generally in proportion to the nature and extent of the work done.
- The remuneration is adjusted and agreed with the customer before starting the task.
- Our offers and estimates are transparent. Extra costs are specified in advance.